Lorraine Trotman Therapy Psychotherapist, Counsellor & Coach Balham, South West London

Frequently Asked Questions


I offer Couples and Relationship Counselling on Mondays from 8am to 7pm.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays I see individuals from 8am to 7pm.

I see clients in Balham, South West London. I offer sessions in person or online or via the telephone. The initial session is a chance for you to talk about what has brought you to therapy and what you hope to gain from it. It is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have and get a feel of how we might work together. I will explain my policy on confidentiality, fees, cancellations and appointment times. If you want to go ahead and book further sessions we will talk about whether you would like to set some goals and establish the initial focus of the therapy. I am always open to your feedback and happy to hear about what does and doesn't work for you in the therapy. If you would like to continue with sessions, we will book a regular session. Each individual therapy session is 50 minutes long and takes place weekly on the same day and at the same time apart from pre-arranged holidays. Couples therapy sessions can be 60 minutes once every week or 90 minutes every two weeks.

Mondays from 7am to 8pm

Tuesdays from 7am to 8pm
Wednesdays from 7am to 12 noon

I charge £80 for individual therapy (50 mins) and £120 - £150 for couples therapy (60 - 90 mins).


Fee Increase from 1 September 2024

£90 for individual therapy (59 mins


£130for Couples therapy (60 mins)

£180 for Couples therapy  (90 mins)



Cancellation Policy
I require 48 hours for cancellation otherwise the full fee will be charged.

I maintain complete confidentiality regarding my work with you with the following exceptions as discussed at our initial meeting; I discuss my work with my supervisor which is also a confidential relationship, and where there is a risk of harm to self or others.

General Data Protection Regulations

Under the terms of the law relating to GDPR I am required to register with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), my reference number with them is ZA487399.

As discussed I require your permission to keep your details both on-line and on paper. This will largely be confined to your contact details and any digital communication with you.

At any point you may request to see any, or ask me to destroy any, data relating to you.

I abide by the Code of Ethics of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP).
I have regular supervision.
I commit to regular CPD.

FAQ. BACP logo


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